Preparation exercise.. for the Rapture

This weekend was again my term to preach instead of one brother who was on his work shift. Short notes and audio recordings is below.

Audio: Preparation for Rapture

Text: (1 Thessalonians 3:13, ch 4)
Our great Comfort: (1 Thess. 4 :17-18)
Rapture of the Church is great comfort for all Christians

Main thought:
We all are on the way towards this great event, the Rapture.
What if Paul writes this 4th chapter of the letter to Thessalonians as “preparation exercise” for all Christians
Everything in this exercise is linked to one important truth: Christians are to Please God ( 1 Thess.4:1)
We usually think that only by faith we can please God (Heb 11:5-6)
But “pleasing God exercise” is like a coin of 2 sides:
  • 1 side is Faith (Heb 11:5-6)
  • 2 side is Pure Life ( 1 Thess ch 4)
Areas we are to please God:

PLEASE GOD: In Private life (3-4)
Example of failure: David (2 Kings 11)

PLEASE GOD: In Business (6-8)
Example of failure: Laban (Gen 31:41)

PLEASE GOD: In Church life (9-10)   
Good Example: Ap. Paul (1 Thess. 2:5-10)

PLEASE GOD:In  Public life (11-12)
Good Example: Ap. Paul (1 Thess. 2:5-10)

I believe some Christians are dreading the Coming day of the Lord because their life in many areas is far from Pleasing God.
Yes, our ultimate readiness is only in Christ, through Christ and by Christ.
But believers are saved by our Lord to leave a life which pleases God.. not ourselves!
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