Audio Recording:
Main thoughts:
- God reveals His will to people:
(Gen 37.5-11)
Usually God uses 3-step approach:
(a) God reveals His GENERAL will towards all people: to repent from their sins, to trust the Savoir, to be baptized, to serve the Lord. Do not wait for dreams.. This will is clearly shown already
(b) God reveals His INDIVIDUAL will towards one's life
(c) God reveals His SPECIAL will towards one's life
In order to understand God's special will for your life, you have to start with understanding and assessing His General will towards your life: have you repented? have you trusted the Lord? have you been baptized? do you serve the Lord in any capacity? - God allows bad thing to happen
(Gen 37:23-28)
This is part of God's plan. - God was with Joseph, God is with you
(Gen 39:2-3, 21, 23)
So, God does not only allow bad thing to happen, He is there with you.. if you are one of His own - God is close to them who fear Him
(Gen 39:7-9)
One side of knowing God is fear to offend God (or break His will) and fear to harm other people
Test for you: if you want to know how close are you to God, think of what you do when nobody sees you - God has many special people.. not only you
(Gen 41:16, 25)
If you are a servant of God please do not think He works through you only. God can use even unbelievers like pharaoh - God Reveals who you truly are
(Gen 42:8-10, 19-32)
Even after plotting to murder own brother and eventually selling him into slavery Joseph's brothers still thought they were "honest people". But God designed some events in their life to help them to understand who they were truly.
Aren't we like that as well? We often say "I am a sinner , o Lord" but we actually do not mean it. We still think we are quite good and honest people. - God gives time to understand His will
(Gen 45:4-11)
From the time Joseph saw his dreams to the time dreams came true about 20 years passed. When Joseph saw dreams he has been shown the will of God but not the true meaning of it. It took time for Joseph to understand that will.
The same time God gives to us to understand His will
Audio Recording: https://app.box.com/s/i8ayxirumres03hjwxaulr05vrrzsjqf
sorry for not so professional sound, and not so professional speaker :)
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