Who's will to be done?

Yesterday we had a blessed visit to Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids is 330km going south from Thompson. There a small group of believers who gather in the town on the side of the First Nation reservation in a trailer donated by one of the congregants

It was a good time of fellowship and listening from the Word of God. Sister Stella, an older sister, could not be in fellowship for about 80 days because of her health. She mentioned that though she could listen to church services online there is nothing like face-to-face meeting of the Lord's people.

Scripture reading was from Luke 15. The story of a father and 2 sons. We pray in the Lord's prayer: “Your (God’s) will be done”.. So Luke 15 is a story on what happens if not God’s will but “my” will be done. “My way or highway” sounds like a courageous motto for many people.. But this is exactly the philosophy of the younger son from Luke 15.  “My will be done” did not serve this younger son any good but brought him to the lowest and most miserable circumstances.. He lost all: possessions, dignity and was close to death. But the Father who is compassionate, loving and CAPABLE of restoring brought that son back to family and a good life. Our God Heavenly Father is the same!

There is a good and healthy desire from some people in Grand Rapids for gospel work to continue in the community! Some suggested hosting a children Gospel camp in Summer.. we were very happy to hear such an interest.

Please pray for Grand Rapids!






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