We visited Steinbach-Winkler area

Dear praying friends. 
We visited Steinbach-Winkler on a weekend of Feb 20th. Brothers invited us to be part of  their service in a Slavic church there. We all were thinking together about Lord's Coming and what it takes to be ready to meet the Lord. Our Scriptures reading was in 1 Thessalonians. 
Also we had an evening where we all were thinking and talking about Christian Family and what important parts it should have reading the Scriptures from the book of Philemon. 

The book of Philemon is not very much known. But I think it is a very well written letter that opens our eyes on what is important in Christian life: Love God, Love God's people, serve God with your house, take care of God's people, forgive and accept somebody who wronged you. 

We continue our Bible study in Thompson for Slavic people. We finished Mathew 5 1-19.

Today on Bible Study in our Thompson church we finished the book of Ruth. This little book so clearly tells us that God takes care about his people regardless how small and insignificant they may seem.

Last weekend,  all our children went to communities. Vera to Split Lake, Paul to Pik and Timothy to Thiket.

Today, our young people went to Pikwitenei to clear snow from some roofs in the community, help  and clear the church.

Please pray  that the war in Ukraine will stop. We  are very much concerned and worried about people and especially Christians there.

Please pray that our Mission church will be able to visit communities. Some of them opened doors again.  Nelson House, for example, we were not able to visit for about 2 years.

Please pray for us.


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