Today we had a lot of Aurora Borealis on public display.
Northern Lights (aurora borealis) is a very interesting phenomenon. It happens usually at night. Northern Lights is not enough to grow plants or have a sun bathe. Though the Sun is not visible at night, Norther Lights are clear indication that the Sun does exist as they are the reflection of Sun's rays in our atmosphere.
Northern Lights (aurora borealis) is a very interesting phenomenon. It happens usually at night. Northern Lights is not enough to grow plants or have a sun bathe. Though the Sun is not visible at night, Norther Lights are clear indication that the Sun does exist as they are the reflection of Sun's rays in our atmosphere.
The world, that we live in, is quite dark. Our God is Light. We, Christians, are here to reflect His infinite light. May Lord help us!
John 1:5
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not
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