Commitment ... and Unexpected visits

Winter has arrived to our backyard. Temperature is steady around -15C .. -25C. Children are playing in the snow. Praise the Lord, when the temperature started to plummet , we finally were allowed to start using our wood stove. It is warm and cozy now in our trailer house.

We all are waiting for the lake to freeze, when we will have opportunities to go to communities again more frequently.

Lord blessed us this weekend in a special way.

First of all we had a group of young people from down south coming to visit us. On Saturday, we had something like mini-conference and a wood cutting exercise. Two of brothers from Thompson were asked to share some thoughts on the subject of commitment. Brother Kevin spoke on being committed to right Doctrines. I shared thoughts on what commitment does consist of and what it produces in our life having Good Shepherd (Ps 23) as an example. In case you are interested, notes are below. Youth stayed for the Sunday Service and prepared quite a program for us. We all enjoyed it very much.

The Second special blessing on this weekend was an invitation from a Ukrainian family who lives here in Thompson. They also invited several Russian speaking people.. Who could believe that in Thompson we would find some Slavic people around. Please pray(!) for these families as some of them are really seeking the Lord. We are thinking and praying to start a bible study with them. Please pray for Lord's leading on what to do