Building bridges .. finding ways

This Thursday November 11th, brothers started quite a project: to find a way around the lake to be able to commute to Thiket Portage. As you know Isaac family permanently moved to Thiket Portage. And now one more family Kevin and Ester U. with their young children expressed their desire to move to Thiket to help Edgar and Lena. This is an enormous sacrifice. Now the need to have some sort of a road to this community is even more greater. Brothers found an old logging road that was used many many years ago. It is over grown and some times even non existent. So on Thursday brothers were trying to break through

Let me ask you to dwell on this thought of building roads and bridges. It is not easy to build 3-log-sticked-togther bridge like brothers did .. not talking about a real road and a real bridge. The same difficulty we have when we need to connect to difficult people, to lost children. But if we want to have a live connection to somebody we have to build bridges.. and find ways.

This Sunday I preached on the man being an image of Tri-une God. If anybody interested we have an internet radio station that goes live only in time of service and some communities are listening to it. On that radio station there is a list of previously recorded messages:

Radio link:
List of messages:

Please pray:
- for Kevin and Ester U. and their family and their future move
- for Isaac family
- for the road/way to be built eventually


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